In the company of…

Harrogate Advertiser

This week we featured in The Harrogate Advertiser’s feature ‘In the company of’. Our director and osteopath Seb Contreras was quizzed about a range of things from what we do at the clinic, what motivates him and who inspires him. You can read the…

Desk based exercises

Desk based exercises blog image

Following on from our last blog, we’ve included 3 more exercises that can be done without leaving your desk to minimise stress and strain on your spine and hips whilst maximising your work output.

Unwind your spine

Unwind your spine blog image

Following several requests from you, we have put together this video of what we think are the 3 most important exercises to perform to mitigate sustained pressure on certain parts of your back that sitting at a desk for long periods causes. These 3…