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podiatry career interview elise butler

Careers Week: An interview with our podiatrist, Elise Butler

Some of you may have been following our posts on our social media channels around the theme of careers week. Today, we interviewed our fabulous chiropodist and podiatrist, Elise Butler on her career as a podiatrist. Read it here: Read More

Knaresborough Business Award 2024

Castle Clinic: Knaresborough’s Favourite Health & Wellbeing Business 2024

We are thrilled to share that our clinic was honoured to receive the award for ‘Favourite Health & Wellbeing Business’ at the 3rd Annual Knaresborough Business Awards held on Saturday, 17th August. We are also proud to have been named runner-up in the ‘Knaresborough Business of the Year’ category.

The awards ceremony, organised by The Knaresborough Business Collective took place at the beautiful Henshaws Arts & Crafts Centre and was attended by over 200 people. Team members – Jon Rebanks (physiotherapist), Sarah Chisem (podiatrist), Sandra Shackleton (Health Kinesiologist) Christine Horsman and Hilary Clissitt (receptionists), were on hand to represent the clinic and accept the award.

We want to extend our deepest thanks to our valued patients for your continued support, and for voting for us. These awards are a testament to the trust you place in us and the care we strive to provide every day. It has been a great way to mark our 20th anniversary year!

Thank you for being part of the journey!

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sleeping in hot weather

Sleep Tight: 5 Tips for Staying Cool on Hot Nights

Summer nights are wonderful—alfresco dining, evening strolls and barbecues. However, when it’s time to sleep, the heat can turn your night into a tossing-and-turning marathon. Here are five tips to help you stay cool and get a good night’s sleep, even when the weather is baking.

1. Choose Lightweight and Breathable Bedding

Your bed is your sanctuary, especially on hot nights. Opt for lightweight and breathable materials like cotton or linen for your sheets and blankets. These natural fibres help wick away moisture and allow air to circulate, keeping you cooler throughout the night. Ditch the heavy comforter in favour of a light quilt or just a sheet to avoid overheating.

2. Stay Hydrated, but Not Too Much

Drinking water is essential, especially in hot weather, but balance is key. Make sure to stay hydrated throughout the day, as this can help your body regulate its temperature. However, avoid drinking large amounts of water right before bed to prevent those middle-of-the-night bathroom trips. A glass of water by your bedside is fine if you wake up thirsty.

3. Cool Down Your Sleeping Environment

Creating a cool sleeping environment can make a world of difference. Here are a few tricks:

  • Use Fans Strategically: Place a fan near a window to draw in cooler air or create a cross breeze with multiple fans.
  • Close Blinds & Curtains: Keep them closed during the day to block out the sun’s heat.
  • Use Windows: During the day, it helps to close the windows on the south facing side of the building to keep out hot air and to open the windows on the north side to allow the cooler air in..
  • Hot Cool Water Bottle: Fill your hot water bottle up with iced water and place in your bed for a few minutes before you get in. This can provide temporary relief and help you fall asleep more comfortably.

4. Take a Lukewarm Shower Before Bed

A lukewarm shower can help cool your body down. Avoid hot showers as they can raise your body temperature, and cold showers might make you feel cooler temporarily but can also cause your body to retain heat. A lukewarm shower helps to lower your core temperature gradually, making it easier to drift off to sleep.

5. Sleep in Breathable Pyjamas or Go Pyjama-Free

What you wear to bed can significantly impact your comfort level. Choose lightweight, loose-fitting pyjamas made from breathable materials like cotton. If you’re comfortable with it, you might even consider sleeping without PJs. Without extra layers of clothing, your body can release heat more efficiently, helping you stay cooler throughout the night.

By implementing these tips, you’ll be better equipped to handle those hot summer nights and enjoy a restful, cool sleep. And if they don’t, don’t worry; the weather’s normal service will resume shortly. Sweet dreams and stay cool!

Management of sleep-related issues at Castle Clinic

Do you routinely suffer from poor sleep or insomnia? Speak to our sleep specialists, Alison Lyon-Murphy, Janice Miller or Sandra Shackleton to discuss how best to manage and treat it. Book online or call 01423 787800 to find out more.

the one show

Clinic’s former chiropractor on the BBC

Yesterday, Castle Clinic’s former chiropractor, Faye Deane featured on the BBC’s The One Show. She was interviewed about AI recommended back and joint braces and whether they were a good thing to help reduce workplace injuries in jobs that require you to be physical. Check out the segment here:

peanut butter

Understanding peanut allergies & reducing risk

Peanut allergies are among the most common and severe food allergies, with an estimated one-in 50 children now affected in the UK. As with other allergies, they occur when the immune system mistakenly identifies peanut protein as harmful, triggering a range of symptoms from mild hives to life-threatening anaphylaxis.

What can be done to prevent peanut allergies?

There are many factors that are out of control that can influence the risk of developing peanut allergies, such as a family history of allergies, our age (young children are more susceptible) and being born prematurely. However, there are things we can do that may help reduce the risk of developing peanut allergies. These include:

1) Early exposure – research published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology last year identified that by introducing smooth peanut butter to babies during weaning (from six months and when they are ready for solids), can reduce the occurrence of peanut allergy cases by 71%. This contradicts the long-standing advice of avoiding foods that can trigger allergies during early childhood. It is advised that weaning starts:

  • from six months
  • when the baby can stay in a seated position
  • when the baby can hold their head steady, coordinate their eyes, hands and mouth so that they can look at their food, pick it up and put it in their mouth
  • swallow food, rather than spit it out.  

The quantity suggested is three heaped teaspoons of peanut butter per week, until the child is five. As peanut butter can be quite dry, it can be given with breastmilk.

2) Breastfeeding – supports the infant’s immune system, promotes a healthy gut microbiome, provides dietary allergens in a controlled manner and includes anti-inflammatory components. These factors collectively help in reducing the risk of all allergies in children, including peanut allergies.

3) Avoiding antibiotics – research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2020 found an increased risk of food allergies in children who had been prescribed any of the commonly administered antibiotics, and particularly if they had taken multiple types of antibiotics in their first six months of life. Whilst in many instances antibiotics are an essential tool in the management of childhood illnesses, this research highlights the importance in using these medicines only when absolutely necessary.

Management of allergies at Castle Clinic

Do you suffer from a peanut allergy? Speak to our allergy specialist, Sandra Shackleton to discuss how best to manage and treat it. Book online or call 01423 787800 to find out more.

hay fever

Dealing with hay fever

Hay fever is an allergic reaction that occurs when the immune system overreacts to airborne substances, such as pollen, dust mites, animal dander, or mould spores. These substances, known as allergens, trigger symptoms such as coughing, sneezing and itchy eyes.

Between mid-May until July it is the season of grass pollen, which most hay fever sufferers are allergic to.

Those of you who suffer with hay fever know how frustrating it can be. There are actions that can be taken to help reduce exposure to pollen and relieve symptoms naturally. Here is what we suggest:

Keep windows and doors shut

With the warmer weather it can be tempting to open the windows and doors, but pollen can blow in from outside and settle inside, triggering a hay fever attack.

Take a shower

If you’ve spent a long time outside, taking a shower or even just washing your hands as soon as you arrive home can limit pollen entering the home.

Washing clothes

Putting your clothes in the wash when you come home is another way of reducing how much pollen enters the home after spending time outdoors.

Washing bedding

Washing bedding weekly at a high temperature can help rid your sheets of pollen.

Use an air purifier

Air purifiers take in air and trap any floating particles, before expelling the clean air back out. Air purifiers with a HEPA filter can help remove small particles such as pollen from the air, meaning you breath less pollen in.

Health Kinesiology

This holistic, alternative therapy combines principles from applied kinesiology, energy medicine and traditional Chinese medicine with the aim of addressing imbalances in the body’s energy systems and promoting overall well-being. It can be used to help identify and treat specific allergies. Castle Clinic offers allergy testing and treatment of allergies with Health Kinesiology.

If you are suffering from hay fever or other allergies, you may want to consider our Allergy Tests to learn more about what your triggers are and how to treat it. Book online or call 01423 787800 to find out more.

Allergies to animals

Allergies in the 21st Century

With one in 3 of us suffering from asthma, eczema or hay fever, we could say that we’re in the middle of an allergy epidemic. Allergic diseases have risen significantly in the last 5 decades. Asthma, for example affected approximately 1% of the UK’s population in the fifties, yet today it affects close to 10%. An estimated 25-30% of people in the UK suffer from one or more allergies, including those mentioned above, as well as allergies to food and animals. In my early teens I myself developed an allergy to wasp stings (as well as an allergy to tidying my bedroom). Thankfully I grew out of the latter. Scientists around the globe are searching for the reasons why allergic diseases, something that used to be rare, are now part and parcel of our daily lives.

The reason for this allergy epidemic isn’t due to exposure to allergens, because humans have always been exposed to allergens. Neither is it due to genetics as some scientists have suggested. Whilst genetics have long been acknowledged to play a part in allergies, it takes thousands of years, not a few decades, to see such changes in our genetic makeup. Therefore it must be something in our environment (e.g., urbanisation) or lifestyle that is influencing the risk of allergies. When you consider that people living in the developing world have an incidence of allergies at levels less than 1%, there is weight to back up the theory that our environment and lifestyle are to blame. Studies also show that immigrants from the developing world, who have lived in the west for 10 years or more have a threefold increased risk of developing allergies, further supporting this theory.

But what is it in our environment or lifestyle that is causing the increase in allergies? The hygiene hypothesis first proposed in 1989, suggested that because our modern lifestyle meant improved levels of hygiene and cleanliness, children’s exposure to bacteria and viruses were reduced, therefore infections reduced, depriving the immune system of the training it needed to resist allergies, and gave birth to the idea that we’re ‘too clean’. However the experts have disproved this theory, as those urban areas where allergies are more frequent, also have higher levels of the infections that the hygiene hypothesis was referring to.

Immunologist, Professor Graham Rook has modified the hygiene hypothesis, believing it is a broad range of bacteria and microbes that are lacking from people’s lives, not childhood infections, thus predisposing us to allergies. And not because we are too clean, but because we are increasingly separated from nature, as we spend larger amounts of time indoors for both work and leisure. Even a generation ago, humans spent more of their lives outdoors, interacting with the natural world, exposing themselves to a range of microorganisms that we don’t encounter living in towns and spending our day in a car or in an office. It is suggested that because we aren’t exposed to a vast range of bacterium and microorganisms from an early age, our immune system doesn’t learn to tolerate and ignore them and so doesn’t learn what is not harmful. The immune system can then develop inappropriate responses to benign items such as eggs or dairy, where it overreacts, leading to a variety of symptoms such as itching and swelling, or in serious cases, difficulties breathing or a drop in blood pressure.

Most of the body’s bacteria is stored in the gut. In fact a healthy gut should contain more variants of microorganisms and bacteria than there are species in the Amazon, yet studies have shown that people in the developed world have a lower diversity of bacteria than in the developing world, where allergies are less common. Studies have also shown that in people with allergies, this bacterial diversity is even lower.  It is this understanding that bacteria is not just a cause of food poisoning and illnesses, but a vital component needed for the functioning of the human body. Whilst it can be difficult to stop allergies once they have started, exposure to a vast array of bacteria from an early age could help prevent the development of allergies in the first place. Here are some tips that can help you and your children achieve this, without living in a cave and getting your dinner by hunting antelope on the prairies or foraging for food in the forest. The following suggestions are especially important for children, but should be practiced by adults too: –

  • Eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and avoiding processed food will help expose you to many strains of good bacteria.
  • Eat probiotic foods such as yoghurts and cheeses, as they can help replenish bacterial stores.
  • Spending time in parks, woodland and the countryside means you’ll interact with a wealth of bacteria. If you’re with children, or you’re a big kid yourself, hunt for insects under rocks and encourage climbing trees.
  • Spend time with other animals, whether it’s house pets or farm animals. Studies have shown that allergies are much rarer in the farming community, perhaps because of the time spent with livestock. This doesn’t mean you need to buy a family pet or move to a farm, but when possible, try and spend time at the homes of those friends who do own pets.
  • Avoid taking antibiotics unless they are absolutely necessary. Antibiotics can decimate our bodies of our good bacteria, and whilst they remain a very important drug, it’s important they are used mindfully and only when necessary, especially in the first year of life.
  • Continue maintaining hygiene in the home, such as wiping down surfaces, washing your hands after using the loo and before handling food. This will help to protect you from contracting illnesses from bad bacteria.
  • If you are expecting a baby, consider, the benefits of breastfeeding when possible. The mother passes lots of good bacteria to her baby when breastfeeding.

In summary, the problem is not that we’re too clean, rather that we’ve avoided getting dirty for too long. Humans are not plastic creatures sent from outer space, plonked onto a world to live separate from it, we grew up and evolved from this world and should continue to interact with it. Now go and climb a tree and eat an apple…

If you are suffering from intolerances, sensitivities or allergies, you may want to consider our Allergy Tests to learn more about what your triggers are. Book online or call 1423 787800 to find out more.

20 years Castle Clinic Thumb

20 years of Castle Clinic!

This April, Castle Clinic celebrates 20 years since it first opened! The brainchild of one of our acupunturists, Janice Miller, the clinic has gone from strength to strength since it opened. We have assembled an experienced team of therapists who will treat you holistically. Join us in this piece of nostaliga as we look back at some pictures of our first 20 years!

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Luxury scented candles – made with earwax

Our clinic’s audiologist, Zanib Iqbal has introduced an innovative twist to the candle industry, using a novel ingredient that is both sustainable and aromatic: earwax. For years Zanib has been removing earwax from patients with blocked ears using micro-suction technology, the gold standard practice according to NICE guidelines. But instead of disposing of the removed earwax, she saw potential in repurposing it into something useful and environmentally friendly.

“After years of discarding up to 500g of earwax after a day in clinic, I started to think of ways of utilising the earwax in different ways. My first thought was wax crayons as my daughter uses them a lot. But I love scented candles, and with the high price of quality scented candles I thought I could make them more affordable”.

Zanib ensures that the earwax she used in her candles is sanitised and processed to meet safety standards. She then combines it with locally sourced, organic beeswax and essential oils to produce a range of unique scents from soothing lavender to invigorating pomegranate. So far, the best seller is lime, basil and mandarin.

These candles not only offer a luxurious aroma, but also a cheaper and sustainable alternative to traditional candles, retailing at £8 per candle.

Our customers have praised the candles for their long-lasting burn and subtle, natural scents.

“I was initially skeptical about the idea” admitted Margaret Bolt, a regular customer. But after trying one Zanib’s candles I was pleasantly surprised. They smell amazing and only cost £8.”

If you would like to purchase a candle, or if you are having hearing issues and would like to book an audiology appointment with Zanib, contact Castle Clinic at or on 01423 797800.

Knaresborough Earwax removal
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Hearing problems and gaming

Protect your children’s hearing when they’re gaming

Parents have lots to worry about when keeping their children safe when gaming, be it ensuring they’re playing age-appropriate games, that they’re not being groomed by other online gamers or that they’re not racking up huge bills with in-game purchases. Now there is something else to consider, and it is very important… Their precious hearing.

A research paper published yesterday by the BMJ reviewed 14 studies, which involved over 50,000 people in total, suggests that gamers regularly play for long periods of time (with or without headsets) with volumes beyond safe limits. Some of these studies found correlations between gaming and irreversible hearing loss as well as tinnitus (ringing in the ears).

Part of the issue is the volume, with shooting games in particular ranging from 88.5 – 119 decibels (dB), the other issue is the length of time spent gaming with sound at these levels. The WHO guidance for adults is that they can safely be exposed to 80dB for 40 hours per week, to only listen to 85dB for a maximum of four hours a week, and 90dB for one hour and 15 minutes per week, with thresholds for children being even lower.

Our advice is to discuss this with the gamers in your house, and regularly monitor the volume of the headsets and the length of time spent gaming.

If you are concerned about you or your loved one’s hearing, we have our in-house audiologist who can assess the ears, hearing levels and provide practical advice and treatment for any issues or concerns. If you would like to book an appointment, you can do so here or call on 01423 787800.

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